Artemis Cheats

Advanced Hardware Virtualizer with State-of-the-Art Technology, built with quality in mind



Here's What We Have To Offer

Advanced Trace Cleaning

We provide a top-notch, built-in cleaner that has been carefully analysed, no corruption/damages happen to your system or removing a single unnecessary file, meaning there is no need to reinstall your windows!


Artemis Cheats is competitively priced compared to other spoofers on the market while also being a better option.

Quality Modules

All of our modules are carefully developed allowing for a balanced level of customizability and ease of use.


We use industry-standard encryption and hashing methods to ensure your sensitive data is stored securely and out of eyes from any hacker.

Fast Support

Our support team is always ready to answer your questions and assist you when necessary. Create a ticket on our discord server if you need assistance.

Frequent Updates

Artemis Cheats receives constant updates ensuring our modules stay up-to-date and fitting the needs of our users.

Trusted by users from around the world

Don't believe us? Look at these statistics!








Pricing Plans

Driver Based Permanent & Temporary Virtualizer

1 Month (Month)

Optimal choice if you just want to try out Artemis.


What's Included

  • Undetected
  • 1 Day Usage
  • Permanent
  • Fully Automatic
  • Frequent Updates
  • Premium Developer Support

Lifetime (Forever)

Lifetime ownership of Artemis Cheats, can't get any better than this.


What's Included

  • Undetected
  • Unlimited Usage
  • Permanent & Temporal
  • Fully Automatic
  • Frequent Updates
  • Premium Developer Support


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions people ask us.

Artemis Cheats is a digital application designed to alter your computer's identifiers, granting you the complete privacy you deserve and preventing anyone from tracking your digital and hardware presence.

Driver Based Permanent:

- Windows 10 & 11

Driver Based Temporal:

- Windows 10 x64 Build 1803 -> 22H2

Note: We do not support any custom os, having a custom os will not ensure 100% guarantee of spoofing successfully.

Short Answer: Both

This is a both a temporary and permanent virtualizer. That means that we combine the power of permanent and temporary virtualizing, however if you own a monthly subscription, the permanent changes will stay until you reinstall windows and the temporal changes will stay until you restart your pc.

You can of course choose to spoof permanently or temporarily, that is up to you.

No, we provide an built-in cleaner for you to use. However in some cases, a reformat will be needed.

Yes, Artemis Cheats saves your original hardware identifiers & serials, meaning you can un-virtualize at any given moment.

No, your Artemis Cheats account belongs to you and you only. Our system checks for account redistribution and your account will be terminated if it is not used by you only. Read our Terms of Service for more info.

We currently only accept Bitcoin & Credit Card (Stripe)

Certainly, refunds are only available in situations where our software experiences issues on your computer due to hardware problems, provided that you have exhausted all available support options. Please note that there is a strict 3-day limit to determine if the issue is hardware-related, and if this 168-hour timeframe is exceeded, refunds will not be granted under any circumstances. Take note, we do not provide refunds if there are detections or bans, we do not provide refunds if you "changed" your mind, and more.

Yes, you are eligable to become a reseller of ours, if you can afford to buy keys. Keys will have to be purchased in bulk, and price will depend on the amount purchased. Make a ticket on our discord server for more information.

- Vanguard, Easy Anti-Cheat, BattlEye, Ricochet & FiveM